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Automated Intake Processing

Automated Intake Processing

The intake process can be the source of much frustration. Opening, Sorting, classifying, and data entry is a slow, laborious process that is prone to error. Quantities of incoming mail may be hard to predict and scaling the process be difficult for growing companies. When people and processes are overwhelmed, important notices become delayed, putting your business at a disadvantage.

By implementing AMP for information intake, we open your business to downstream automation. Now that incoming documents and data are digitized, it can be made easily accessible to your staff and business partners. The classification process allows us to immediately detect important information and notify those who need to act on it. Captured data can be pushed to drive business workflows and passed directly into line-of-business systems. We can even automate downstream data entry into 3rd party sites.

AMP is capable of recognizing and classifying scanned images, converting unstructured data from documents into structured data that can be consumed by IT systems. The process is fast, accurate, and primes your business for future automation. It also easily scales as your business grows.

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