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Unleashing Creativity To Achieve Business Success

Unleashing Creativity To Achieve Business Success

 “Creativity comes from a conflict of ideas” – Donatella Versace 

My definition of “Creativity” is the ability to make something from nothing or change the existing. 

When we are asked to “think outside the box,” it often causes a feeling of frustration as we are looking for an unknown solution or idea and have no clue how it may be acquired. It has been my experience that when I am not pressured for a solution, good ideas pop into my head. Or, when I am in a debate or challenging conversation, once the conversation is over, and I later think more about the conversation that had occurred, I discover new insights. It seems, the harder I try, the more difficulties I encounter. 

How can we alleviate the pressure without compromising the solution? The answer is to use creative thinking. Techniques for creative thinking include idea generation and divergent thinking, methods of re-framing problems, and changes in the practical environment. The broader term is problem-solving. Historically, this ofttimes involved gathering a group for a brain-storming session. A shared load is more comfortable to carry. These do work but consume resources that may be better served elsewhere.   

In today’s techno-conscience environment, the brain-storming concept is still alive but more efficiently presented. Ideas are shared, and there is an opportunity to craft a response or build on an idea thoughtfully. In addition, there are now tools that will facilitate a visual rendering of the process under discussion or the problem needing to be addressed. 

Your technology partner can help you find the right tool and come up with the correct answer. Majime has created a mind provocative tool called “JETbox.” This tool has many insightful questions that will enhance creativity and imagination.

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